Meghan Trainor Talks Justin Bieber, Dating And Dieting

Meghan Trainor is absolutely cute during a recent interview for Cosmopolitan.  

Trainor, 20, opened up about dieting and working out: "I ate pizza yesterday and I am eating Chinese food later today. It's gonna be great. But so far people have actually told me I look like I've lost weight. I think it's because I've been standing all day or dancing."

Meghan shared with the outlet about dating: "I am single. I can't find a boy who wants to date me…my dad was like: "Well, they are probably too intimidated." And I talked to another artist and she was like: "I didn't get hit on for two years.""

As for pop idol Justin Bieber, Trainor revealed: "I got the call (that he remixed the song)…They said: "Check your email," and I freaked out, and I played it like a hundred times."