Thy Huynh Mai was born in 1993, 1,73 m high, weighs 53 kg, of which three rounds of 87-62-94.
Luong Thi Trang was born in 1989, 1.67 m high, weighs 50 kg, of which three rounds of 86-63-90.
Nguyen Thi Luom born 1992, height 1.64 m, weight 41 kg, of which three rounds of 75-58-82.
Yen Trinh Huynh was born in 1990, 1.72 m high, weighs 48 kg, of which three rounds of 83-62-90.
Nguyen Thi Kieu Ngoc was born in 1988, 1.6 meters high, weighs 47 kg, measurements of three rounds of 87-64-90.
Vu Thi Que Minh City was born in 1991, 1.6 meters high, weighs 44 kg, of which three rounds of 85-58-88.